August 29, 2024

Seyi Makinde Delivers: Support for Abuse Victims Expanded

Promise: We will expand the 615 Citizen’s Enquiry Number to accommodate a dedicated helpline for victims of domestic violence and children facing sexual or physical abuse in the State

Habib Sheidu
August 29, 2024
min read

One of Seyi Makinde’s promises in his manifesto for his second term is to expand the 615 citizen’s enquiry number to accommodate a dedicated helpline for victims of domestic violence and children facing sexual or physical abuse in the State. This is one of the expansions of the use cases of the 615 citizen’s enquiry number.

To confirm the status of this promise, the number was called to verify if this addition had been made. Fact-checking confirmed that the number is toll-free, working perfectly, and the care representatives are ready to attend to people facing any kind of abuse or emergency in the state.

Based on the tracking of the promise, we rate this Promise Kept.