AdvokC Foundation Hosts Zimbabwean Delegates for Feminist Tech Exchange Program
In March 2024, AdvokC Foundation proudly hosted two delegates from Zimbabwe as part of our groundbreaking project titled "Rethinking Democracy from a Feminist Tech Lens."
Dare Olatunde
August 23, 2024
3 min read
In March 2024, AdvokC Foundation proudly hosted two delegates from Zimbabwe as part of our groundbreaking project titled "Rethinking Democracy from a Feminist Tech Lens." This six-day regional exchange program aimed to deepen the understanding of the intersection between democracy, feminism, and technology, with a special focus on how digital tools can empower marginalized voices and advance feminist agendas in democratic processes.The program was rich in content and experiences, starting with workshops on academic writing, delving into the history of democracy, and exploring its interactions with feminism. Our Zimbabwean guests participated in insightful discussions on democracy in Africa, reflecting on the unique challenges and opportunities within the continent.
One of the highlights of the program was the CivicTech tour, where the participants explored innovative civic tech solutions in Nigeria. They attended the Lagos Digital Democracy Fair and visited CivicHive, where they were introduced to impactful tools such as BudgIT, GovSpend, Tracka, and Live Results. These tools showcased how technology can drive transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement in democratic processes. One of the highlights of the program was the tour to various civic society organisations in Nigeria.

They attended the Lagos Digital Democracy Fair and visited CivicHive, where they were introduced to impactful tools such as BudgIT, GovSpend, Tracka, and Live Results. These tools showcased how technology can drive transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement in democratic processes.

The program's success was evident in the post-assessment survey, where participants reported a 50% improvement in their understanding of how technology can be leveraged to promote feminist perspectives within democratic frameworks. The exposure to Nigeria's vibrant CivicTech community left a lasting impression, inspiring the participants to consider how these tools could be adapted to their local contexts in Zimbabwe.

Moreover, the exchange program fostered critical thinking and ethical reflection on the role of technology in advancing gender equality and democratic values. Our guests left with a strong desire to continue exploring these themes and apply their new insights to their work back home.

While the program was a success, it was not without its challenges. From logistical hurdles to technical issues during workshops, our team was able to navigate these obstacles through meticulous planning and adaptation. These experiences only served to strengthen our resolve to continue fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange.

This program is just the beginning of what we hope will be a long-lasting relationship with our Zimbabwean colleagues. The knowledge shared and the connections made during this exchange  have laid the groundwork for future collaborations that will continue to push the boundaries of how technology can be used to amplify marginalized voices in democratic processes.

At AdvokC Foundation, we are committed to driving social change through innovative approaches to democracy, and this exchange program is a testament to that commitment. We look forward to expanding this initiative and welcoming more international participants in the future.