How Our Advocacy Led to Increased National Healthcare Funding

Onyinye Edyson
March 23, 2025
 minutes read

Nigeria’s healthcare system has long suffered from chronic underfunding, leading to inadequate facilities, a shortage of medical professionals, and poor health outcomes. Despite the 2001 Abuja Declaration, where African Union countries—including Nigeria—committed to allocating at least 15% of their national budgets to health, the country has consistently fallen short of this target.

In April 2001, African leaders met in Abuja, Nigeria, and pledged to allocate a minimum of 15% of their annual budgets to the health sector. This commitment aimed to address pressing health challenges and improve healthcare delivery across the continent. However, over two decades later, Nigeria continues to struggle to meet this benchmark.

Nigeria’s Health Budget Allocation: A Persistent Shortfall

In the initial 2025 budget proposal, Nigeria allocated ₦2.39 trillion to the health sector out of a total budget of ₦49.7 trillion, representing only 4.81% of the national budget. This allocation was not only significantly below the 15% Abuja target but also lower than the 5% allocated in 2024, raising concerns about the government’s commitment to improving healthcare.

In response to the chronic underfunding, the #FixOurHealth campaign was launched to advocate for increased investment in Nigeria’s healthcare system. The campaign highlighted the consequences of inadequate funding, including:

1. Mass Migration of Healthcare Professionals: Over 10,000 Nigerian doctors emigrated in 2023 alone, seeking better opportunities abroad.

2. High Out-of-Pocket Expenditures: More than 70% of Nigerians pay for healthcare themselves, a figure higher than in neighboring countries like Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa.

3. Deteriorating Health Facilities: Many hospitals suffer from power outages, outdated equipment, and unsafe conditions, leading to increased maternal and infant mortality rates.

The #FixOurHealth campaign utilized social media advocacy, press engagements, and engagement with policymakers to raise awareness and demand an increase in healthcare funding.

Impact: Budget Allocation Increased to 5.18%

Following sustained pressure from the #FixOurHealth campaign, along with advocacy efforts by other civil society organizations, and concerned citizens, the Nigerian government revised the health budget allocation from 4.81% to 5.18% in the final 2025 budget.

While this increase is still far below the Abuja Declaration target of 15%, it represents a positive step in the right direction and reinforces the power of advocacy in influencing government decisions.

The #FixOurHealth campaign underscored the critical need for increased investment in Nigeria’s healthcare sector. While progress has been made, the journey toward meeting the Abuja Declaration’s 15% target continues.